Brian C. Becker
Arcane Robotic Incantations



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As a graduate student, my professional experience has primary been through internships or research programs done during college and beyond. Currently I am attending Carnegie Mellon Unversity (CMU), but if you like my resume and offer me a lucrative position in robotics, I might be pursuaded.

High School

I don't really count the time I spent working on my father's plant nursery "professional work" but it was hard work. My first real experience was during the summer of 2003 after graduating from high school, when I interned at Spectorsoft - a company that develops net nanny software. My job was to enhance the ability of capturing e-mails from various webmail sites a user might visit.

University of Central Florida (UCF)

As an undergratuate at the University of Central Florida (UCF), I worked as a research assistant in the Intelligent Systems Laboratory. I helped developed client/server web applications in Java, Flash, and PHP. The primary projects I worked on were the Java backend and PHP interface to AskAlex and the I/UCRC Wizard. I also participated in several different research programs, including two in Paris, France at the Pierre & Marie Curie.

Robotics Lab @ UCF

While unpaid, I was an active member of the Robotics Lab @ UCF for my entire undergraduate degree. During my four years there I worked on three different outdoor robots and competed with all three in the International Ground Vehicle Competition competition. While I did do some wiring and mechanical work, I developed C++ software almost exclusively. My focus was computer vision, path planning, scripting languages, sensor integration, wxWidget GUI displays, and some microcontroller programming. By the time I left, I was team captain of our robot and lead software developer our 100,000 lines of C++ code robotic library Zebulon, about 35% of which I wrote myself. The library was held to a strict standard in coding convetions, documentation, and testing; so much so that years later I am still using parts of it.

Carnegie Mellon Unversity (CMU)

Now as a graduate student at Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) working on my PhD, I am leaving my C++ somewhat to become more versitile in MATLAB and LabVIEW. I work on Micron, an intelligent microsurgical instrument designed to aid surgeons in very delicate operations. My current work is on tracking, visual servoing, stereo vision, and control theory to create a computer vision based controller. I'd like to be graduated from CMU by 2011, but that is probably being overly optimistic.


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