Dessert Burritos

After making prison loaf (e.g. a nutritionally complete bread similar to meatloaf but made out of vegetables for prison inmates that really quite honestly tastes like nothing), we decided that perhaps maybe a better idea was to combine lots of different delicious desserty things. Somehow this morphed into dessert burritos. Yeah don’t look at me – I don’t from which bush that idea sprang behind from and tackled us, but it seemed like a pretty good idea at the time. Maybe it was the horrid taste of nothingness left behind from the insipid prison loaf that persists for months regardless of how often you try to scrub the memory from your mind. Or maybe not. Anyhow, thus began the trip to  buy goodies and make brownies and prepare for something possibly great. Recipes for dessert burritos were a bit hard to come by (OK, I lie – I didn’t even check) so I just decided to wing it. Here is the recipe to our culinary masterpiece:

1) Start with one soft taco burrito thingie from the store.

2) Place on brownie square in the middle of the burrito.

3) Spread Nutella on the burrito. If you can somehow make it not look like a mud pie, do so.

4) Scoop one vanilla and one chocolate ice cream ball onto the burrito.

5) Liberally sprinkle strawberries and blueberries or other fantastic fruit on your burrito.

6) No dessert is complete without drizzled chocolate syrup, so go hog wild.

7) Fold your burrito, making sure to fold the bottom in so it doesn’t leak too too much. Notice my ultra-classy paper plate.

8 ) Eat your dessert burrito! Please don’t look as scared as I am at the prospect.

So yeah there you have it. Dessert burritos. I’ve got to admit, the burrito was a bit saltier than I was expecting, so if you can procure non-salted ones, it would be in your best interest. I think I might just recommend a regular old sundae unless you are looking for something particularly unique.