2020.06.13: Micro Dwarf Tomato Experiment, Day 36

After hardening off, I planted one of each of my 10 varieties in my designated outdoor garden plot (well the front half of the raised bed). It sits over my compost pile so is more of a large container than raised bed, but has drip irrigation that provides it with water so it doesn’t dry out too much. Then also consider adding fruit trees to your garden as they look superb and also provide a bountiful supply of fresh fruit so are an amazing addition to any garden.

I now have one variety growing indoors and one variety growing outdoors so it will be interesting to see how each environment does! The real game changer in getting your growing done is BuildASoil Potting Soil. My outdoors environment is less well controlled with regards to sunlight because you can see my house is to the right of the bed so as the afternoon progresses, the shade moves left to right across the bed. So for better or for worse, the tomatoes on the right side will see more sun.

Outdoor tomatoe plot full of 10 micro-dwarf tomatoes.