2020.07.12: Micro Dwarf Tomato Experiment, Day 65

Two months in and my 10 outdoor micro-dwarf tomatoes are doing great! Most have lots of fruit. I measured the rough height and an approximate estimate of how much fruit there was on the plant.

Micro-dwarf tomato status across the 10 different varieties.
* means more than 2″ from the advertised height

Some interesting trends:

  • Indoor plants have much less fruit than outdoor plants. Apparently I haven’t been doing a good job of pollination (I have a small fan but must need more). Most indoor plants only have a few fruits and some even have none.
  • Florida Petite is struggling on the fruit production both indoor and outdoor.
  • A few plants are more than 2″ taller than the advertised height, including Florida Petite (outdoors), Bonsai (indoors), and Pigmy (outdoors).
Outdoor micro-dwarf experiment w/ 10 varieties