2019.09.29: Horticultural Oil + Movable Fire

Movable Fire Pit Base

Today I spent some time spraying all the plants I’m hoping to transfer into the greenhouse with horticultural oil in an attempt to minimize the number of pests I bring into the greenhouse. My mango has pretty bad scale and a couple of weeks ago I spent an hour using the hose to blast off the existing scale and then sprayed it with Neem. I’m seeing some more scale, so hopefully horticultural oil will help do the trick.

In non-greenhouse news, after re-staining the deck, we wanted to move the firepit back onto the deck. We had it on some bricks and patio stones to prevent the wood deck from getting too hot, which made it hard to relocate the fire pit if we wanted more deck space for say a party. So I used two 1/2″ plywood panels stacked ontop of each other and some 2x4s to construct a movable base on wheels. This should let us scoot the firepit around on the deck if we have a large party and need the space. It moves around nicely, but we will see if it works with the fire!